Sunday, October 31, 2010

Recap: Missa Cantata Christ the King (2010)

St. Ann's Schola Cantorum, along with the St. Ann's Choir, assisted a Missa Cantata for Christ the King on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 12:30pm at St. Ann's parish on Park Road in Charlotte, NC.

Celebrant: Father Timothy Reid
Number of servers: 12
Attendance: 348

Music for the Mass
Processional: Te Saeculorum Principem (Gregorian hymn)
Sprinking Rite: Asperges Me (4-voice by Montani)
Introit: Dignus est agnus (Gregorian chant)
Kyrie: Kyrie III (Gregorian chant)
Gloria: Gloria XV (Gregorian chant)
Gradual: Dominabitur (Gregorian chant)
Alleluia: Potestas ejus (Gregorian chant)
Credo: Credo VI (Gregorian chant)
Offertory: Postula a me (Gregorian chant)
Offertory Motet: Jesu! Rex Admirabilis (3-voice by Palestrina)
Sanctus: Sanctus III (Gregorian chant)
Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei III (Gregorian chant)
Communion: Sedebit Dominus (Gregorian chant)
Communion Motet: Ave Sacer (3-voice by Kevin Allen)
Recessional: Christus vincit (4-voice by Montani)
Postlude: Salve Regina (4-voice)